Tempting as it was to remain in bed and just listen to the rain, twelve hikers dressed in waterproof gear, ready to start stage two of the Burchell Trail hikes. The waterproof gear was removed within minutes of starting to walk; it seemed that rain was not imminent and indeed the sun was warming everything quite rapidly.
From the start the track descended for about seven hundred metres, then after a short steep section, gained height gradually for the next four kilometres. Keen eyes were already searching for, and finding, a wide variety of wildflowers. The low range of hills divided by rocky gullies is well-known for its rich variety of wildflowers.
A three or so kilometre descent to the Lower Stony Creek Reservoir and an ideal place for a ‘morning tea break’ found our group in the company of a party of teenagers enjoying the delights of hiking and camping. They were happy to chat about their experiences before resuming their hike. The dam wall for the nearly empty reservoir is the first concrete dam wall built in Australia, and the third in the world. While, according to contours, this was a low point on the route, the group might have been comforted to know that the lowest point was yet to come. However, in between, the route scaled the highest point on the walk.
Getting to the highest point involved an initial steep climb, then some ‘ups and downs’. After three kilometres the group started an overall descent, though that involved more ‘ups and downs’, some quite steep and rocky. Discovering more wildflowers, cleaning boots in a cleverly designed and robust ‘bridge’ with disinfectant and a brush (a measure to help prevent the spread of ‘cinnamon fungus’), catching a view of Melbourne and the Dandenongs and enjoying the camaraderie of the group, combined with the warmth of the day, birdsong and scenic views of forest and stony gullies all ensured a thoroughly enjoyable hike.
A final steep and stony descent, and a scrabble through and across a dry, rocky creek bed, provided access to the campsite and the endpoint of the day’s hike. The end also afforded time to bestow birthday wishes on Alan.