Our intrepid group of six hardy hikers having left two cars in Macedon Village drove through ever thicker cloud to the Top of the Range Tearooms to commence our walk. It was drizzling lightly as we set off through the bush ably led by Gordon.
Although wet and muddy in spots our path was never impassable and the misty bush had a peaceful and mystical quality. From time to time picnic grounds gradually became identifiable as we closed in on them. On some, were forlorn piles of snow, remnants of earlier visits by snowman builders! While not a particularly inviting spot, we ate lunch at Days Picnic Ground (I think) at lichen encrusted tables, happy to have a stop.
After lunch we walked along the Eco Trail to Sanatorium Lake, a tranquil and mysterious lake constructed as a water supply for a tuberculosis sanatorium which was never built. Upon leaving the lake we came upon some magnificent old trees. Nearby too was the Sanatorium Picnic Ground with its deciduous trees, a contrast to the rest of the bush.
Most of our walking took place on bush tracks through very varied bush, mainly messmate forests with mountain ash, peppermints, box and manna gums. But we also saw wet ferny gullies, lichen and moss covered and drier more open forest and also patches of snow gums.
The last climb up Mt Towrong was through a more open bush land. There were even glimpses of blue sky, albeit briefly. We were pleased to reach the rocky cairn on the summit before the trail dropped off down towards the township. Gordon had forewarned us this would be steep and it was. This part also afforded us some views of the countryside and also good views across the valley where we could see the area -still partially cloud covered - where we had walked in the morning.
Finally, having reached Anzac Rd we walked through Mt Macedon Village to the cars before driving up to the Tearooms for a welcome coffee. The group agreed that it would be pleasant to repeat the walk in warmer weather. Altogether a delightful walk - thank you very much Gordon.