Twelve walkers headed off on our third walk of the Wallaby Track on Thursday November 17th from White Swan to well past St Georges Lake.
We discovered on this third walk that our fearless leader is not only a great organiser and prepared and across all the details but also a learner. We had stops for morning tea and lunch and so good to see that Gordon’s comments in the last report acted on. The day was ideal for walking with clear skies and temps in the high twenties although hot after lunch and the combination of pace and heat tested some towards the end. Andrew manages very comfortably the car shuffles that this walk requires and also had organised for water and sausages to be delivered at lunchtime. Unfortunately the BBQs were not functioning but the effort to make the walk work well is appreciated. Like all good walks we appreciate the natural surroundings and the exercise but also learn. Lots of history and environmental changes observed and talked about. Ann got us to smell the chocolate lilies. The landscape devastated by mining can be regretted but you also have to admire the tenacity of the miners in their efforts to get water for sluicing downstream. The abandoned Koala park and the log debris jammed up against the bridge were reminders of more recent history in this area. The car shuffle means that at the end we are all going off in different directions and don’t really get a chance to thank our leader at the end. Thank you Andrew.